Well, I know it's been a while since I've updated so here we go. I have much more before this past weekend but I'll have to obtain those pictures and update later. These top pictures are from Mrs. Angie's graduation. She is Heather's (my best friend) mom. She graduated from Macon State with her RN. Congratulation to her :-) Although it was a long ceremony, it was well worth it!! Heather just got a job at CNN and ended up being a little late. So I volunteered to be the photgrapher until she arrived.

This is Heather and I. We went to her Mom's house after graduation and had some pizza. Yummy! We were full at this point, so that is why we are all smiles! I miss you girl!

Here is Mrs. Angie receiving a congratulations hand shake from the president of Macon State College.

For graduation I painted her a Welcome sign with her last name on it. I was so proud of that sign. It was the first time I had ever painted a sunflower and it came out really well.

This was Saturday morning. As most of you know it was smoky outside. Although you can't really tell it was very thick. Please pray for those surrounded by the brush fires. I know that I can't imagine being in that kind of situation.

This is the most updated picture of my Mocha. I thought this picture was so adorable that I had to share.

Now i couldn't leave Roxy out. She posed specifically for this one, if you couldn't tell.

Now, this was mine and Brian's mother's day gift for my mommy. I have Sandy to thank for this one. Although I painted it all by myself, she provided the worksheet for me to practice on. You are a life saver Sandy. This may have been an inexpensive mother's day, but it meant a lot to my mom and that is all that matters.

Rob, Rob, Rob! He is playing Brian's guitar hero game and enjoying himself. If you couldn't tell! He wasn't happy with me for taking the picture, but it was well worth it.

Later that night we went out for Margaritas and Enchilatas and this is a picture of me and the best big brother in the world!!! You handsome devil you!

Of course this is the B-honey and I! The love of my life and my future husband. I think I should give God a pat on the back for this one. I couldn't ask for a better booger!

Now, this precious ball of fur is a nut... literally! She reminds me of my annie-poo! Brian and I just fell in love with her, but weren't able to take her home... :-(
There you have it! That was my weekend in a nut shell. To give a quick update on things that have been going on, we have started a new class at our church. The name of it is "Network". It helps you find out how God wired you! It had really helped me to figure out who I am and how I can be of service. We have only had two classes so I don't claim to have it all figured out, but I am SO glad I took this class. I can't wait to see exactly where God wants me to use my talents.
I need prayer. I have an interview at Arinc on Thursday. I have a feeling that this class would be a blessing in disguise. My issue is that I don't know what is going to happen if I do get the job. It's part time and in WR. The whole point of moving to Macon was to be closer to work. I think it would be worth it to go back and forth as long as I'm happier than I am now.
I love you all and can't wait for you to see that I'VE UPDATED!!! YAY!