This is me and my best friend in the entire world. Most people would know her as Kim, my mother. More affectionately know as Mimi. Her and I do just about everything together. Some people would say that we are more like sisters and mother and daughter. Our favorite things to do together are paint, scrap book, and travel. She is my hero and my mentor. I hope one day I can be at least half the woman that she is. BEAUTIFUL AND BRILLIANT!
Well, lets meet the guys. From left to right there is Brian, Wayne (batman, papa, daddy, etc.) and Rob. My daddy is one of a kind. I

know that most of you who know him are laughing right about now, because it's true. He is the greatest. My mom always said that was made her fall in love with my dad is that he could make her laugh. Thank God he hasn't lost his luster. He is constant entertainment and always up for a barrel of laughs. Aside from that he is a very caring father that loves his family very dearly and I know he would do

anything in the world for us. Love you Daddy!
Rob (27) is my big brother. By his title alone you might guess that he is also my wrestling partner. He is the reason I'm tough today. Rob and I

have an apartment together and this isn't the first time. We have always been very close and I plan to keep it that way. We have a great time with whatever we do. It doesn't matter if we are wrestling, lis

tening to music (loudly), playing tetris, or just hanging out we are always having a good time together. Love you manBrian and Rob - Guys being guys!
Now it's t

he baby's turn. This bundle of spunk is my younger sister Ashley (19). I chose this picture because this explains her in a nut shell. She is so much fun to be around and always bringing life to the table. Her and I haven't always been as close as we are now, but I'm grateful that we are so close. Mimi (mom) and Gurn (grandmother) always told us that we would be best friends one day. Well... they were close enough. This young adult is one reason I get up in the morning. We haven't always had it easy with each other, but I wouldn't trade her for a thing in this world! Love you blue-eyed beauty!

I'm sure she thought that I forgot about her,

but I didn't. There are two people that even though they aren't blood related they are just like family. Jessica (25) and Bryant (6). These two have been a HUGE part of mine and Brian's lives for the last 5 years. Anytime we need her, Jessica was there and anytime we needed a laugh, Bryant did his job. I want them to know how much they mean to us and that we love them VERY much!
Stepher! Welcome to our blog-world! I'm so glad to have you here with Sandy and I. You did a GREAT job and said really nice things about me! :~) I love you too, my precious angel and wonderful friend. See you tomorrow at church! Love you so much, XXOO - Mama
Hi Steph!
So glad you joined the blogging world! Can't wait to see all the gorgeous painting projects you do loaded for the world to see!
It's been such a joy getting to know you and your mom (and Ashley once~she needs to come back) at painting class.
That is so neat that you have a blog now Mimi Jr.!!:) You did a great job on it; I especially like the picture of that beautiful young lady with her son!! lol Love you, Stepher:)
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