What a good lookin' bunch! Tonight was sibling night. I don't know that we have ever had one of these when significant others weren't there. Even though we missed the adorable guys it was SO nice to have time with just the three of us.
We got a later start than planned, but once we got the night rolling we went to Cheddar's in WR. We ate dinner, took pictures, and just enjoyed each others company.
I must say that my mother and grandmother were right when they said that when we got older we would be the best of friends. Of course, when we were younger we would fight constantly so naturally we didn't think it was possible... but as you can tell things are much different. I love you guys and wish the night together didn't have to end.
Here is a few picture from the night.
This is Ash and I. What a gorgeous kid :-)
Ash and Rob, the best brother and sister in the world no matter what anyone else thinks ;-)
Me and Rob! Yes Jessica, you did teach me well. BTW, I'm not sure why my eyes look crazy. Thank goodness Rob makes me look good :-)
Aw-w-w-w...it makes my heart smile to see all of my babies together as such good friends. You guys need to do that more often. I love you all and thanks for sharing those GREAT pictures. Love, Mama XXOO
Hope my boys grow up to feel the same way about each other in a few years! Things are so skewed when you are young and really come into perspective when you get older!HUH?
I am so blessed to know you! and your sister Ashley & of course your MOM! Maybe bro needs to come to a painting class so that I will have met everyone in the family huh???
Have a great weekend.
Sandy :)
Looks like you had a great time!! I can't wait to see you!!
You are right, that is a great looking group! I am glad that y'all finally got to go out and spend quality time together:) Love you!!
Hey Missy...you are way behind updating you blog! I had fun painting with you tonight and shopping at HL. Your welcome sign is AWESOME! I'll load the picture on my blog tomorrow. I'll e-mail it to you before I go to bed. XXOO - Mimi
I know where you get the idea to take your camera to a restaurant when you're having dinner with your siblings. :-) I enjoyed reading about your evening. I hope you have a good week.
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